Custom electronics
We manufacture custom-made electronic devices: devices developed by us or according to supplied documentation. We deliver assembled PCBs or complete, finished devices in commercial packaging. Our usual final product fits in the hand, but we can also solve a whole tram stop.
We provide comprehensive services – we also produce the necessary cabling, cable harnesses, switchboards and other elements. We’re not an assembly plant, we ‘re developers. We understand electronics, we can solve even unexpected production problems quickly and efficiently and we like complex challenges.
Our services
How it works
Production process
At the heart of each of our products is a PCB developed by us and then assembled according to this manufacturing process.
Production data is assessed by our experts: we find risks in terms of manufacturability, reliability and availability of components. If appropriate, we will propose measures to optimize the production price, arrange replacements for unavailable parts.
We can also deal with outdated, bad or incomplete documents. If necessary, our developers will work on changes, upgrades or even a complete redesign.
Our buyers will provide the materials for production: what we don’t have in stock, we will source from distributors. In the current component crisis, we can also use alternative sources of components from Asia. We can also use material supplied by the customer.
While waiting for the material, we will review testing procedures and help with automated tests so that the entire production can be tested efficiently.
We do not forget to optimize templates and technological processes to achieve a minimum of rejects and delays in production. Production must run like clockwork! That’s why we monitor it and document every step in the system.
We assemble the surface connections in our own assembly plant. We produce from samples to thousands of pieces per month.
Our production is equipped with technology for machine assembly and soldering of SMT components (Autotronik, Inoplacer), for subsequent manual completion and repair we use professional soldering stations Weller, Metcal and JBC. For repairs we are equipped with an automatic BGA bushing rework station.
We use environmentally friendly, lead-free technology, using no-rinse fluxes (no-clean). In order to maintain the high quality of production, we wash the assembled PCBs in a special ultrasonic bath (Safewash). For use in harsh environments, we paint the surface joints.
We check the produced PCBs using a unique system of automatic optical inspection with the use of artificial intelligence (Agnos, Opticon). We control 100% of production.
After the inspection, we will revive the PCB – load the software and perform functional tests. For larger batches we use our own automatic testers.
According to the needs of the project, we mechanically assemble the equipment, provide printing and labels. The finished product is subjected to functional and safety tests.
We pack the product in final commercial packaging for end customers or ESD packaging for further operations.
For critical applications, we document each product photographically with a 3D microscope and an electronic output inspection report from the test facility.
For production purposes, we mill aluminium and plastic boxes, 3D print with FDM and SLA technology, print labels and front panels, and cut with a cutting plotter.
We manufacture cable harnesses and assemble switchboards.
Production data is safe with us. As standard, we provide contractual confidentiality assurance (NDA), we store production data on our own servers and for particularly sensitive applications we are able to provide above-standard firmware protection against copying and changes using electronic signatures.

Manufacture of electronics
Supply chain management, component replacement solutions
We monitor material availability, proactively monitor stock levels at distributors and pre-stock for long-term contracted production.
We start from development: we use parts with historically good availability and, where possible, existing replacements.
If a supply failure does occur, we will work with our developers to flexibly design component replacements to circumvent the problems of the current component crisis. We can replace individual components or even entire assemblies, for example we designed a complex replacement for the Raspberry Pi Compute module. Some changes are simple, piece by piece, while others require changes to the hardware and/or software of the device. Typical is a change of microcontroller, for example from the now hard to find STM32 platform to one of the equivalents.
After replacing the component with an alternative, we test the device for compatibility, stability, temperature range and safety.
Quite often, when implementing a replacement, we add some new features to the device: for example, when Wi-Fi modules are not available, we usually combine the necessary change with a nice extension of the device functionality with the latest encryption types (WPA3) and support for new standards (WiFi 6, etc.).

Manufacture of electronics
Design to value, production economy solutions
Design to Value is a continuous, iterative process of optimizing production costs while maintaining or improving quality and key product features.
We offer this service both for products of our own development and especially for products developed elsewhere and manufactured by us, or purely as a documentation assessment (DtV audit).
Within DtV, we monitor production costs and experience with the product.
We monitor usage:
- circuit solutions and older components that can be replaced with a newer and cheaper equivalent,
- components that, after experience, appear to be oversized and can be replaced by an optimally sized component,
- elements that are undersized and are a source of failure,
- assembly technologies that are unsuitable for the quantities produced (not sufficiently automated, too laborious for large batches, etc.).
Often, changes found through the DtV process are implemented along with other equipment upgrades or component replacement solutions. Many changes can be risky, so thorough verification and testing is part of the process.
For larger series, the economics of the DtV process are fascinating – for older projects, it is often possible to save up to 20% of the production price by redesigning the project and the payback is therefore very fast.
Contact us
We will be happy to advise you
We will be happy to advise you Ing. Viktor Sekanina, Head of HW Development.

Manufacture of electronics
Automated testing
We develop automatic testers based on Linux OS or Windows + Labview for output control. We manufacture ICT (in-circuit-test) fixturing – needle arrays for quick connection of the PCB under test.
The output from the tester is printed on a fault label and/or stored in an on-line database where the statistical data and measured values of each piece of equipment tested can be monitored. Our system automatically blocks the printing of the production label and therefore the dispatch of an element that has not passed the test cycle correctly.
These testers are also used as standard for our mass production of electronics.
For special applications, we also develop tailor-made testers, for example for testing mechanical or acoustic components.

Manufacture of electronics
Sample production
We offer fast production of piece samples fitted with PCBs by machine or by hand.
Compared to conventional series production, some tasks are simplified or limited, for example, testing is usually performed only by connecting the power supply, unless test procedures are developed.
If you are interested in subsequent serial production with us, we carry out verification of production technology simultaneously with the production of samples – we tune PCB layout, process times, temperature profiles.
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