Large-format LED displays

The offered large LED displays are designed for displaying alphanumeric data (numeric data or text including Czech characters). Displays are supplied as standard as three-colour (red/green/yellow), upon agreement it is possible to provide a single-colour version or another colour combination (blue-red, white or RGB – full colour).

You can see all this in our photo gallery.

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From 6383 Kč without VAT


The offered large LED displays are designed for displaying alphanumeric data (numeric data or text including Czech characters). Displays are supplied as standard as three-colour (red/green/yellow), but it is possible to provide a single-colour version or other colour combination (blue-red or RGB – full colour) upon agreement.

The display size is determined by the number of LED modules installed. The individual LED modules carry LEDs arranged in a matrix of 16 rows x 32 columns: the LED module therefore contains 512 pixels and 1024 LEDs, as each pixel is made up of one green and one red LED.

The basic display size is 96 x 16 pixels (i.e. three LED modules side by side).

The pixel spacing is 10 mm in both horizontal and vertical directions. The 96 x 16-pixel display has a display area of 96 x 16 cm and is therefore capable of displaying a font approximately 14 cm high (commonly used fonts do not use the full height of the display for most fonts). For a font height of 14 cm, a legibility of 50 – 60 metres is indicated.

The displays, with a pair of LED modules on top of each other, are capable of displaying characters up to 28 cm high and their text is readable up to 110 metres.

The displayed data can be formatted with several fonts, it is possible to display parts of the text in red, green or yellow. Depending on the communication protocol used, it is possible to trigger a running or flashing text effect.

The brightness of the display is sufficient for outdoor use on a sunny day, but it is not recommended to mount the display so that direct sunlight hits the display area: we are unnecessarily depriving ourselves of the available display contrast.

The luminance of green LED elements is 4000 nits (Cd/m2), red LED elements 2500 nits, when displayed in yellow the total luminance is 6500 nits. The displays are equipped with brightness control, i.e. the brightness of the display can be reduced in the dark or indoors. Displays are intended for displaying text information – they are not intended for (particularly long term or continuous) operation with more than 25% of the light points illuminated.


Displays are standardly manufactured with a controller that allows a variant with RS-485 interface. The controller receives data over the RS-485 bus using a simple protocol.
This design is primarily intended for use where the displays are connected to a technological device that directly controls the display content. Typical applications are timers or displaying the status of production lines.

  • RS-485 (EGM)

The second option is to mount the display WizNet modulemodule, which allows changing the content of the display via the Internet/intranet, for example by a script running on a remote server. Typical applications are distributed information systems such as information boards showing the current traffic situation. The communication protocol is the same as for RS-485.

  • Ethernet (EGM)

Both of these variants support Czech in Win-1250 encoding, with the addition of Cyrillic KOI-8 encoding on request. Both variants are described in the common manual protocol-wiznet.pdf located in the download section.

The third option is to fit a display with a Linkit modulemodule, which allows you to change the content of the display via the Internet/intranet, for example by running a script on a remote server. The extra functionality over the previous variants is the ability to run the script independently without the need for a remote server. This variant does not use the same protocol as the previous two, it affects the display of texts. This variant supports Modbus/TCP Slave, text modification using HTTP GET API and can be scripted using Lua. In addition, WiFi communication can be arranged after consultation. For more information, please refer to the protocol-linkit.pdf manual located in the download section.

  • Ethernet (HTTP GET API)
  • Ethernet (HTTP client)
  • Ethernet (MODBUS/TCP Slave)
  • Wi-Fi (HTTP client/GET API/MODBUS/TCP Slave)


All components inside the display operate with a DC voltage of 5 V. The finished display can therefore be supplied in the following variants:

5 V DC in this variant the customer himself will provide the 5 V distribution. This option is recommended only for displays with smaller display areas. To give you an idea, each module mounted in the display consumes approximately 4 A at 5 V.

12 – 27 V DC This variant is the most frequently ordered. The display is equipped with the correct number of inverters to provide 5 V for proper and stable operation of the display. This variant is mainly used in plants where the customer already has its own 12 or 24 V distribution system for other machines.

230 V in this variant is the display described above, to which we select a suitable socket or switchboard power supply for correct and stable operation of the display.

Mechanical design

The displays are supplied without cover glass, which is replaced by a layer of special flexible resin: this ensures absolute water resistance of the panel face and at the same time does not cause disturbing glare or loss of luminosity caused by the cover glass.

The display enclosure is available in interior and exterior versions; apart from the mechanical design, the displays are electrically and optically identical.

The indoor display is not protected against water ingress and so is intended only for indoor use or occasional outdoor use under a shelter. The construction of the display case is made of steel with powder coating.

The outdoor display is built into a rugged powder-coated steel enclosure and is designed for outdoor installation and rough handling (display weight of 96 x 16 px is approx. 8kg).

We are able to produce both types of enclosures in the following mounting versions:
Wall mounting preparation.
Preparation of threads for VESA bracket 300×300 mm.
Preparation of mechanical lugs for hanging on chains or steel rope.
Preparation of threads for side mounting (e.g. for posts or customer-prepared structures).
Preparation of the bed for the loudspeaker or satellite stand.


Photo gallery

What can displays from us look like?

  • Recommended speed indicator

    Recommended speed indicator

    Location: unknown

    Date of implementation: august 2023

    Size: 32 x 32 px (cm)

    Approximate price: 25tis.

  • Traffic control

    Traffic control

    Omya CZ s.r.o., Lipová-lazně

    Date of implementation: spring 2024

    Size: 192 x 48 px (cm)

    Approximate price: 84k.

  • Traffic control

    Traffic control

    ENVIROPOL s.r.o.

    Date of implementation: summer 2023

    Size: 320 x 64 px (cm)

    Approximate price: 166k.

  • Beer tank tracking

    Beer tank tracking

    Network of establishments Lokal, Prague

    Date of realization: october 2019

    Photo source: CZECHCRUNCH

  • Smart public transport stop

    Smart public transport stop

    Palacký Square, Prague

    Date of realization: prototype 2019

    Source of photo: IPR

  • Traffic control

    Traffic control

    KODYS, spol. s r.o.

    Date of implementation: autumn 2023

    Size: 128 x 32 px (cm)

    Approximate price: 43tis.

Price Calculator

Rozlišení vodorovné: --- px; velikost vodorovně: --- cm; velikost displeje: --- cm
Rozlišení svislé: --- px; velikost svislá: --- cm; velikost displeje: --- cm. Do 16 cm se vejdou 2 řádky malého nebo jeden řádek velkého textu.

Hloubka displeje je 7 cm.


    Contact details

    Total display price:
    CZK without VAT ( incl. VAT).
    Estimated delivery time:
    6-8 weeks


    Do you need help with the selection or clarification of some parameters?

    Let us know! Your order will be handled directly by the production manager, ensuring your complete satisfaction.

    Write us



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